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VMI reveals its first collaboration and it’s with the iconic candy company PEZ

Vmi Sports X Pez Cherry K Xr

VMI Sports has yet to dive into the world of authentic collaborations, where a supplement company gets together with another, usually outside of the space, and utilizes something it is known for as a flavor or theme of a product. There are countless competitors out there doing that these days and VMI may not have a dog in the fight yet, but in a few weeks, it will. The team has previewed what will be its first-ever flavor collaboration in a Cherry Pez extension to its convenient pre-workout, the K-XR RTD.

Despite being packaged in a 12.5oz bottle, that has not held back VMI Sports from putting a respectable blend of ingredients and dosages into its ready-to-drink version of K-XR. It features highlights like 6g of citrulline malate and 2g of glycerol for pumps, 2g of taurine, 750mg of tyrosine for focus, potent alpha yohimbine at 1.5mg, and, of course, caffeine at a strong 400mg. At the end of the month, all of that is being infused with a sweet cherry flavor intended to be reminiscent of Cherry PEZ candy.

It’s a great first move for VMI Sports to get together with such a notable and internationally known brand, and there are plenty of places it could go from here. PEZ has an army of flavors on the market, and we could see them all eventually in the supplement company’s lineup, but to start, it will just be the Cherry PEZ K-XR RTD. VMI has plenty of experience delivering great taste, and it goes without saying, so does PEZ, so we are certainly looking forward to seeing this on shelves and experiencing it firsthand.