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Since the ban of most every prohormone on the market in 2009 and again in 2014, little has been left to excite supplement users outside the world of stimulants.

Although countless stimulants continue to be added to the “banned” list, every once in a while a new one pops up that gets everyone talking, and the most recent one to hit this list is DMHA or 2-aminoisoheptane.

What it does

Due to a lack of human data on DMHA, it is impossible to make any direct claims as to effects of this compound.

Anecdotal reports show that DMHA provides users with intense energy, enhanced endurance, mild euphoria, and increased athletic performance.

How it works

DMHA shares structural similarities to DMAA, leading it to provide a somewhat similar feeling. Due to the extreme lack of studies on this ingredient in humans, all mechanisms of action are at this point theoretical.

Compounds of this structure are noted for their ability to increase stimulatory hormones such as dopamine and norepinephrine[1][2]. These compounds are known for increasing euphoria and the feeling of being wide awake which is what gives people the significant “up” feeling when on compounds like DMHA and ones related to it.

One study performed on dogs found that DMHA was capable of providing similar actions as amphetamine, but with less stimulation or effect on the circulatory system (a good thing)[3].


The suggested dosing on this stimulant varies by personal tolerance, however most enjoy a dose of 100-150mg in any given serving. Due to the strong nature of this stimulant, daily doses above 250mg should be used with extreme caution.

