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Giant Sports ready to take over world, Muscle Maker one of three upcoming protein powders

Giant Sports confirm the coming of a casein protein

For those that missed the exciting news from our coverage of the 2014 Australian FileX. Giant Sports confirmed the coming of their second protein powder, the awesomely titled mass formula Muscle Maker. While it is early days for the supplement, with just a rough idea of it’s contents at around 50g of protein and 250g of carbohydrates. Giant have passed on word of two more protein products also due out later this year. Of the two on the way, one is going to be a well flavored casein. Which coming from the makers of one of the best tasting protein powders on the market, definitely means a lot. As for the other Giant supplement set to compete in the same category, we don’t have anything concrete aside from the fact that it will be as mentioned a protein product. Exclusivity is expected to have a role with the supplements, including Muscle Maker. However with all this talk about protein powders we can’t forget about Giant’s closer release Giant Pump. A powerful pump pre-workout we were fortunate enough to do an early review of, and are looking forward to seeing how much damage it can do in the emerging category.

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