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Looks like Athletic Edge missed the mark, Pre Surge Unleashed experience

The experience trial. All supps have different reactions. As I say constantly. Sometimes these reviews are from multiple sources and not just on a personal try. Thought this sported some unique ingredients and did not vary too much on stimulants then Jack3d I was expecting something different. As a fellow supp competitor knows never to copy another formula more improve or take a risk in hoping for better. Athletic Edge has had some good praise but from my side.

More recent was the review on Neurocore which blew my mind and was just by far the strongest pump and energy I have had the pleasure of downing. Though Pre-Surge Unleashed, I had high hopes on. As always it is best to compare to another product. The strength of the focus was a little off. No real kick in the ass or get going shock. Which I receive time and time again from things like Jack3d or Hemo Rage. The only thing that this supp seemed to pull out was the focus. It got my head in the game and did a little bit of the rest shortening as you would expect with any pre-workout. There was a stand out thing that was not overly great but worth a mention.

Usually when the rest shortening comes about intensity raises, sweat drips and breathlessness is but a finger away. While I did come up short on breath and decrease rest periods. The sweat was no wear. No thermo build up nothing. It was a little odd to say the least. It is sad to say that this is at the bottom of my list in the pre-workout barrel. I had wished for something similar to the others but Athletic Edge from my point of view missed the mark. I could imagine one in the hundred may like this but we are all looking for something we can count on when it comes to pre-workout supplements.

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