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Build muscle overnight, before and after your training, Pharma Freak completes the trio with GH Freak and it is very disappointing

They were quiet for some time. It is good to know the silence was the beauty of working. Pharma Freak have kept at the naming market and now looking better then ever with another test to their line up. This was going to be the item next in line for the test trio. A sleeping aid by the looks. Anabolic, test and now GH Freak. Their last two caused quite a stir and returned results that surprised quite a few. GH freak has been kept a little underground but the Canadian unleashed in their home country just recently. Compared to previous items, this GH Freak may prove to be a bit of a downer.

In some cases the ingredients does not always give the answer. Here it does. Where anabolic and test freak came in with wowing and powerful contents. GH has taken up some old friends. GH boosting? Not so much. Looking at the other items it is competing with. Test freak and GH should almost be one supp. Above you got the label with just four names. Niacin and what looks like glutamine are ones we all know. The other two very strong… Sleep aids. GABA and melatonin. GABA is a hugely strong ingredient just like melatonin. The success with GABA comes from the people it is paired with. Animal PM stacked theirs with overnight IGFs. HGH Up threw in L-Dopa. GH Freak has nothing except another sleep drive. Melatonin is strong but for the price you can predict Pharma are going to throw at you. Melatonin can be picked up at the local supp store in America for less then $5! This, from a reviewing point is rushed. No thought, disappointed. If you were wanting a third test boosting (strongly doubt it will boost anything) supp out in a day or even an hour this is what would be in it.

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