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Breaking news for Australasia, Viridex XT is dead

gaspari nutrition

Breaking news for all those Gaspari fans outside of the US. Viridex XT is dead. It has been circulating shelves for almost a year now. Seems that people that were stocking it never bothered to check. The short list of ingredients did have an enemy. Vitamin B12 was just not cool. A lot of countries might be the same as Australasia. The main reason it got the axe, 3,333% of the daily dose is a little overboard. Even if it is limited to one capsule per serve that is still in excess of the DL%. Gaspari maybe overkillers but they are very loyal to their customers. If anything count on an international edition very much like the Halodrol. At least until their next T supp comes down the pipeline.

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