Some companies can be judged entirely by just one product? It can reflect how strong they want to be in the market and how good you can expect the other products to be. Fahrenheit Nutrition. Not a well known one and for the time being a terribly organized website. A large amount of products as most of the unheard ones do. Resurrect is on trial here. Turns out the brand might be worth looking into. Compared to top companies that are in every corner store you may need to go hunting for these ones. Resurrect is a sleep recovery product. Price point is quite good and the packaging could do with some more style. On the inside though you will not be ripped off. L-Dopa, GABA and quercetine all quality characters making a showing. The strangely placed names are vinpocetine and DMAE. Both highly regarded and in most pre-workouts including the new Neurocore. This could be quite the combination needed to make or break for some sleep supp goers. If this is any reflection on the brand though expect to see more of their inspections soon.