Dymatize have made their way onto the supplement scene with the revamping from a few years back. Since the label make over the supplements have improved, the value for money is obvious and the range has just grown to incredible lengths. With a large comes decisions and with decisions comes customers going somewhere else where products are much more straight forward. Dymatize have a great selection of mass gainer’s, here is a break down so you can understand which one is right for you.
The Mega Gainer is quite easily the entry level mass protein. It lacks in the vitamin, mineral and amino department, which is not a bad thing, but when you pay out as much as you do for one of these and get just a few servings, you want every extra you can get. While Mega Gainer lacks in the calories it has the ability to be raised over time. Mega Gainer has a balance like no other, low carbs, 89g but low protein too, 30g. When you hit that 70kg mark simply add another 1/4 scoop, or even another 1/2. If you get all the way up to 90kgs of muscle you can simply jump up to two scoops. Some weight proteins will offer 89g carbs but give you 50g+ of protein, which ends up being a waste of protein just to get the carbs up. Mega Gainer is well suited for the first timer.
Elite Mass Gainer is the newer powder, it offers 3lb, 6lb and 10lb sizes along with a range of flavours. This weight gainer is what all others match up to. Simple 600 calories, 55g protein and a baby 77g carbs. If you are looking for something different after you have broken your body in on the Mega Gainer, this would be the best way to go. Low on fat like all of the Dymatize proteins, it could see you through the hard times, 80-100kgs. It will not shock the body into some massive gains like the Mega would, it does however delivers creatine, amino acids, an anabolic lipid complex and loads of vitamins & minerals. It will help put on some quality muscle and might just be the end game for most. A lot of people do not want that, ‘bodybuilder’ freakish size, and if that is you stay on this. The next gainer is the one that will push your body over the top.
Super Mass Gainer, based on the calories is one of the strongest balanced mass proteins available. 50g of protein is the perfect amount and when pushing for every gain possible the carbs are what count. It has 252g of carbs, it also has 39g of sugar but that is nothing to be afraid of. If you are resulting to this gainer you should definitely be 80-90kg+, if not this will surely put on a lot of unwanted fat. It contains extra vitamins, minerals and aminos, but not enough to effect a good price tag. These sorts of gainers are barrier breakers, they are for people who are stuck, not the needle thin teenagers. If you are just starting out and thinking the biggest will be the best, no, this will mess you up. 1280 calories is huge, and if you are not taking anywhere near that for every meal you are in over your head.