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Pharma Freak hit a whole new low, keep walking Ripped Freak Protein

Consider yourself fooled if you manage to get landed with this protein con. Pharma Freak have pushed it to the limits by releasing an alternate supplement called Ripped Freak Protein. It has the same contents as the original Protein Freak, they are just hoping to sell to that uneducated audience. No doubt there will be a large amount of dumb asses who believe this can help them drop a few pounds

but if it catches your eye stay away. Same goes with any protein that promotes a similar idea. Usually a brand will label a protein with ‘weight loss’ because it has a low amount of carbs or fat, or they may have put in some l-carnitine, big deal. If you are serious about getting results buy yourself an actual fat burner, OxyElite Pro or Hydroxystim.

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