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Pharma-Pure is not as perfect as they promote, PhD will need to price this lower than the others

PhD Supplements have announced their soon to be released isolate protein, Pharma-Pure. The powder will be available in four flavors, based on what they offer on their other products it should be banana, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. There is not a large amount of information on this, 82-85% protein content is a good fact to promote however if that is all this is offering it is not that great. 1.2g of carbs is low but when you pay the price of an isolate you should expect that to be under 1g. The fat count is probably around 1g, again for the price they will not doubt be asking for that should be zero as well. It does not look to have a solid amount of extras – aminos, vitamins, minerals, that the other big names offer. Hopefully there a few surprises when the supplement goes on sale.

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