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Hi-Def weight loss is not here, Cellucor Super HD trialled and reviewed

Super HD is, so far, Cellucor’s biggest release of the year. The hi-def weight loss supplement promised a lot of things, with all the ingredients it had the opportunity to really live up to the hype. Along with C4 the company have been working over time promoting the hell of these products, getting specials, deals and discounts at almost every retailer. It has been put to the test and the review is here for everybody to enjoy…

The maximum dose of Super HD is 3 capsules, with 60 per bottle this comes out like most weight loss products – 20 days. Unlike others from the line it is relatively cheap and usually goes on sale for either a buy 2 get 1 free or buy 1 and the 2nd 50% off.

Despite the competitive price and the pretty packaging this just does not deliver like others that cost around the same. The thermogenic effect is something Cellucor delivered on, it is just not as strong as we had all hoped. Popping 2 capsules for a regular cardio session will up size the burn but no where near the amount that Hydroxycut Elite or Grenade can. Like most weight loss supplements that can be used to boost one off workouts, Super HD can and does boost the mood. In fact the ‘feel-good’ side of this is a lot more powerful and consistent than the thermogenic effects. You might find that after a week or so of this you just do not feel it any more, for some reason it builds itself quite the tolerance.

Quite a few fat burners work their magic behind the scenes. Diet control, sugar cravings, fatty acids, and vitamin & mineral ingredients. Since this did not offer that much of a summary after one week it got pushed for a full months trial. One of the things that did end up coming into play with that extra time was appetite suppression. It is not something listed on the label but it was something that more than one person experienced.

Cellucor have always been a high end brand, Super HD was something that would hopefully break them into the mainstream arena. As it turns out for fans to get the power of what others can offer they are going to have to stack this with one of the many other weight loss supplements that the company has in it’s line up.

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