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Anatropin diary: Day 11

By now I can confirm that this shit works. Anatropin is low on ingredients but the high power of the supplement is coming through. My strength is beyond where I want it to be. Just 2 weeks after I cut down to race, my personal bests from conditioning season have been destroyed. They are on the same level as they were back  before I even started trimming down.

Now it could be my diet it could be my focus. But like I said I know when something is working. I have done this cycle several times before, building, trimming, conditioning then racing. So I know how much I can expect to gain when my strength is pushed for better. Just 2 weeks in, this shit is getting real.

My main goal at the moment is strength, nothing more. From my experience it is damn near impossible to gain any weight on the bar without any weight on the scales. Visually, I am no professional judge, but in this short amount of time I have put on width. I am the last one to say that I have personally changed, I am getting comments from others.

This is no downfall, and something I have only ever experienced on other strong test boosters. Anatropin has given me day time boners end over end. Standing at the crossing without even noticing, pants end up poking. I wouldn’t mind so much except some days it is while I am rocking track pants which show a lot more than jeans and at times make for some awkward poses.

The vascularity I experienced in the first few days has been maintained but not increased. I think it is just something all these power hungry t supps do.

I can say that based on my early results I am counting on personal best lifts in the coming weeks. Usually this sort of come back to strength takes me a month. I give myself four months of building so with this amount already under my belt even without Anatropin. This early work I have got in is definitely giving me some sick confidence, hate to be a sucker to top brands like Gaspari but these dudes have delivered.

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