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Scitec HOS unboxed, muscle builders are just not their game

Scitec not only know how to formulate supplements, they also know how to present them. The shimmering foil and shine on the range attracts the eyes almost more than some of the girls in the posters. However, there is one set of products that steals the show. The Hormone Optimization System, also known as HOS, is a box set of Estro Dim TS, D-Test and Anabol-X. While the muscle builders labels are about as exciting as an MP Core supplement. The packaging that HOS is presented in makes the trio look like some sort of secret weapon.

The black gloss on the outside catches the eye from a distance. When in contact, the embossing of the cover logo let’s you know just how much effort has gone in to this. Once you actually have the HOS box in your hands it doesn’t take long to realize the gentle front is actually a velcroed fold over. Lift it up and the three chrome bottles will be revealed. The products look almost too perfect with their even spacing thanks to the place holder.

The one let down about HOS is that once it’s open there is actually nothing more inside. No lift out, book or pamphlet. It also kills the attraction when you realize the place holder is actually a flimsy plastic mold. Despite the inside the box is love at first sight.

Formula wise these three supplements won’t come close to the likes of Anatropin, Animal Test or even HGH Up. Scitec might have put some serious time into the packaging but unlike the pre-workout, fat burner or protein category. The brand doesn’t compete in the testosterone and muscle builder market. The HOS products look good and in the box they look even better. It’s high price is actually quite fitting because if it were as cheap as it’s contents, it would just seem out of place.

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