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Cor-Performance ZMA is something else, Cellucor take on MP in the individual category

We all knew that Cellucor’s next Cor-Performance supplement was going to be ZMA but what we didn’t know was how different the brand were going to make it. The only company up until this point to mix it up with the age old ingredient is MusclePharm and their Z-Core PM, previously ZMA Max. While they used the combination of melatonin and fenugreek to separate themselves from the pack. Cellucor have sided with an equally strong and impressive duo of tribulus and GABA. The only other highlight the front of the bottle lists is 2,500mg of ZMA, the same amount seen in NOW’s individual formula. Even if these are the only features in the Cellucor supplement, it is going to be very different from anything else in the category, including MP’s Z-Core.

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