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Scott Connelly back with Myotropics, ground breaking formulas Physique 2.0 and Thermicarb

Myotropics is a brand that was created by the man behind the beginning of Met-RX, Dr. Scott Connelly. While his name stretches far beyond a handful of supplement companies the spotlight here is on the new name and it’s products. Myotropic’s flagship formula goes by the name of Physique 2.0. In the shortest description possible it is the ‘first engineered food supplement that takes advantage of both, the natural, (and) evolutionary-optimized properties of total milk proteins…’. Usually products that promote themselves as highly researched, cost far too much for the possibility of a marginal gain. Similar to AST and their protein VP2, which has some interesting effects but at the cost of $35 per 2lb tub. If you would like to read more on Physique 2.0 and the company’s other supplement, ThermiCarb, check out their official website.

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