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Promasil’s 25g scoop now has 22g of protein, Rival Us improve on their concentrated formula

Rival Us have started promoting their updated Promasil. The new supplement has taken on a few changes as well as the unmissable yellow block print on the cover. Originally the product had just 20g of protein per 25g scoop. It now squeezes in 22g of the muscle building ingredient with no change to it’s scoop size. Promasil still holds on to it’s 7 form protein blend of WPI, WPC, casein, milk, hydrolysate, egg and goat milk protein. Some of the other minor and not so noticeable edits to the supplement are calcium at 129mg as opposed to 300, vitamin c now 2mg not 15, and iron up 1mg from 0.5. With 88% of each Promasil scoop made up of protein, it’s understandable why the Rival Us supplement carries such an above average price tag.

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