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Are iSatori and Europa all talk, the Muscle System compares itself to creatine

The Muscle System is the product iSatori started promoting a few weeks ago. It is meant to be a joint venture with the brand and the distributor Europa. So far no details have been leaked, just a website where you can sign up for updates and a very confident banner. Originally iSatori claimed that they were going to change everything with the release of the supplement. Which did sound a little exaggerated, however not as overblown as their latest statement.

‘The biggest breakthrough in muscle-building technology since creatine’.

We have all seen brands make the game changer claim, but only one has compared a product of theirs to something as iconic as creatine. That was BPI way back with their launch of Blox, and how they believed it would be the BCAA successor. Some may consider the formula a good supplement, however it hasn’t made as much of an impact as the brand had hyped. Blox just landed and left followers disappointed with yet another failed ground breaking product.

Regardless of what history has shown us with game changers and breakthroughs. With their latest banner, iSatori might have bitten off more than they can chew anyway. Even if the Muscle System does some how magically turn out to be as legendary as they claim. The brand aren’t going to be selling it cheap, which right off the bat takes away from it’s potential reach.

Without a peep, peek or picture, the brand are unfortunately backing themselves in to a corner. They are doing a great job at getting attention, however if the Muscle System does turn out to be just another disappointment, you can definitely count on a dip in iSatori fans.

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