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Epiq’s countdown is an epic disappointment, products now available at GNC & Lucky Vitamin

February 1st was the date Epiq had set for their game changing countdown to finish on. So what happened on this day of days? Well nothing actually, the brand’s countdown struck 11 0s and all that changed was a button saying buy here. That might have come as a surprise to some however the entire range was already available for purchase through GNC stores. You can head over to the popular retailer yourself and check everyone of them out but they are still priced as expensive as ever.

Some examples of what you’d be looking to spend by going Epiq are, a 3lb Isolate Protein at $80, pre-workout called Power at $50, and a hardening compound simply titled Hardening at $70. Even with GNC’s launch special of buy one get one 50% off, these supplements are still relatively over priced. If you are a fan and have been excited for the release of Epiq, you may want to try the brand’s other exclusive retailer Lucky Vitamin. They aren’t priced that much better but at least you won’t need to buy two of anything to get a semi-good deal.

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