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22 year old Arnold amateur gets a solid dose of Kailosophy, Torren Davis winner of the 2013 train with Kai contest

Torren Davis trains with Kai Greene from MuscleMeds

The MuscleMeds ‘Train With Kai’ competition has been going on for quite some time now. In the past month fans of both the Predator and the supplement company were given the exciting news of another video from the series coming soon. About a week after the original announcement, which did have part one of the episode attached, the full segment was uploaded. The two part video sees Kai Greene training with martial artist turned bodybuilder, Torren Davis. The 22 year old is put through the usual routine of a 15 minute warm up, extensively focused exercises, an endless amount of tips, and even a diet tip at the end. Just as the narrator puts it, the 2013 Arnold Amateur entrant gets a solid dose Kailosophy. You can find the first half 25 minute episode here and the second 28 minute one here.

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