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Blast turns out to be Pre-Workout rebranded, Side Effect Sport update their range for 2013

Side Effect Sport rebrand for 2013

The simple supplement brand Side Effect separate their range of products much like Dymatize and their new crossfit line, Pursuit Rx. All of the formulas carry the company name with their intended category as a subtitle. Unlike last year, Side Effect now only have four straight forward supplements, Pre-Workout, Post-Workout, Muscle Builder, and Fat Burner, with the loss of Energy/Endurance. A few weeks ago the brand showed off a product called Blast, which was originally thought to be a completely new supplement. As it turns out, the black and yellow product is in fact Side Effect’s Pre-workout reformulated, with the company’s 2013 theme. This has been confirmed with the release of the brand’s Fat Burner, which now also carries the two color style. Fans of the company and their simplistic range will soon have to forget the old black and red, as it won’t be long before all of Side Effect’s supplements are updated.

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