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E-Liminate the estrogen modulator, Beast Sports produce another testosterone booster

Beast Sports estrogen modulator E-Liminate

Earlier in the week Beast Sports released a new image of their repackaged supplement range. It featured most of the brand’s products, with one mystery item sitting all the way in the corner. The formula tucked away without any mention was E-Liminate. At the time the picture provided was rather small, leaving the details of the supplement to the imagination of Beast fans. While the name did scream fat burner, it turns out E-Liminate is in fact an estrogen modulator. The product will be joining the brand’s range as their second testosterone booster, with the first one being Super Test. The formula is made up of one main complex consisting of four ingredients, which can all be seen in the facts panel below. E-Liminate has been produced in powder form with one flavor, green apple, and a retail price around $10 cheaper than that of Super Test.

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