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Pre-workout Evol set to sell alongside Origin, Genomyx continue to tease their next release

Genomyx new pre-workout supplement Evol

About a month ago Genomyx started teasing an upcoming supplement or series called Evol. At the time nothing more had been said other than it’s name, and phrases hinting at the product being some sort of energizing thermogenic powder. Thanks to the brand’s consistent efforts to string fans along, the latest update Genomyx have used to keep people interested is the category in which Evol will be targeting. As expected the supplement is a pre-workout, and despite the unique company already having a presence in that area with Origin. Genomyx have confirmed that it will differ greatly from their current performance enhancer, delivering a much more intense experience. Presumably packing ingredients on a much more stimulating level than that of Origin’s citrulline, rhodiola, and dicaffeine malate.

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