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Review of the little blue pill Dexamine, Giant Sports supplement range goes 2 for 2

Review of Giant Sports fat burning supplement Dexamine

The last time we reviewed a Giant Sports supplement it was for their honestly titled Delicious Protein formula. With only two products in their lineup, the question we wanted answered was whether or not their only other supplement Dexamine was as good as their protein powder. The fat burner carries a rather unique list of contents with common features such as caffeine, hordenine, and green tea, and rarely seen inclusions like gelidium crinale and erythropalum scandens. Overall the product came off as an energy pill which gave us the opportunity to gather both single and extended use feedback for our Dexamine review.

If you guessed that the weight loss formula was as good as Giant’s protein, then you would be correct. The supplement is not only a strong performer in the metabolism department, delivering a metabolic increase in the first or second day. But it has a mood and energy enhancement ability that puts it on level with some of the best. After popping one capsule it takes about 10 or 20 minutes before your mood changes. Basically transforming you into an over-productive machine. Whether you are headed to the gym for cardio, weights, or waking up. Dexamine is one awesome product to get you up and about, or more focused on the task at hand. Sometimes it is hard to believe that a little blue pill can put a smile on your dial, even on the happiest of days. But it is in fact what Giant Sport’s weight formula does to a T.

As for Dexamine’s energy, it compliments the supplement’s mood enhancement in way that can only be found in a handful of competitors. The powerful combination of the two effects helps put you in the mood to workout and be active, as well as provide you with the energy to get whatever job you want done. Unlike other formulas, the very strong energy levels don’t actually die out. Much like Gaspari’s Detonate, Dexamine’s energy effect goes on and on, fading away at such a steady rate it’s disappearance is almost unnoticeable.

Giant Sport’s fat burner definitely delivers. For a product that doesn’t contain dendrobium, or the FDA disliked DMAA. Dexamine performs quite similar to successful supplements from the past and present. With the rare ability to actually live up to what the manufacturer has listed on the bottle, and make you feel like you’ve ripped off Giant with their $35 retail price. To add even more value to the weight loss product, the above experience was based on the use of one single capsule, and with 60 pills per bottle. Not only can you amplify the effects of Dexamine by dropping the maximum of two capsules at once. But choose to keep the power of the supplement going throughout the day by using one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. With convenience, strength, and results wound into one. Giant Sport’s little blue pill is well worth purchasing, if not a full size bottle, then at least a two pill pop pack.

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