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Review of the innovative and two sided Versa-1, USP Labs mind to muscle agent put to the test

USP Labs Versa-1 supplement review

Versa-1 is one of USP Labs many unique innovations. It is a pre-workout additive that is intended to be used everyday, workout or not, to help increase mind to muscle performance. The two ingredients used in the product are citicoline and N-[2-hydroxy-2(4-methoxyphenyl) ethyl]-3-phenyl-2-propenamide, also known as aegeline. It was given a pretty serious launch, going with beta tester reviews and even a USP Inner Circle release special. With all the hype surrounding it, and the fact that it was intending to increase ones performance in the gym. The 35 to $40 price tag was no issue for most people. We decided to join the party by finally purchasing a bottle of Versa-1, and give it an experience review.

Being such a unique formula, not just because of it’s ingredients, but it’s abilities. There was always going to be that questionability. The unfortunate thing is, like a number of pre-workout supplements USP’s Versa-1 is a very hit or miss product. By that we mean it can work well for some, and not at all for others.

For the people Versa-1 has an effect on, it provides a combination of rare things. While it does deliver on it’s mind to muscle promise, with an interesting ‘feeling’ ability. It also promotes strength increases that seem to be a result from the added mind power. Overall it is best described as a focusing sensation, one that allows you to in a way feel the muscles you are putting to work. Unfortunately the experience of the supplement is watered down, or almost phased out based on the strength of your pre-workout. Obviously the weaker the formula the more you will feel Versa-1, which essentially does help prove it’s effectiveness. Although in the end make you consider just purchasing the heavier pre-workout from now on.

On the other side of the fence are the people that do not feel a thing. When spending almost $40 on a product that has no effect whatsoever, you do have the right to be upset. Which is the case with a number of USP fans and pre-workout addicts. Regardless of the type of formula used in conjunction with Versa-1, the supplement just does not perform for around 50% of it’s users. When you look at it from both sides of the board, it is a bit strange. However it boils down to the basic fact that it either works for you or it doesn’t. You may get the extremely unique mind to muscle experience, or the building power of a glass of water.

Due to the inconsistent results of Versa-1, we would have to give it the thumbs down. While it does work for a lot of people, it’s lack of reliability takes most of it’s points away. It is an impressive formula, one that can deliver an effect no other brand can stake claim on. Sadly the ratio of yay to nay is a far too balanced to recommend it. If USP do decide to produce a trial size version of Versa-1, maybe a 10 capsule bottle or three pill pop pack, then we will be in business. Until then, the two part product is not a worthwhile investment.

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