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Isotean available direct in 3 flavors for $40, iForce ready to hit stockists with their isolate

iForce Nutrition's latest supplement released Isotean

Last month iForce Nutrition confirmed another new supplement for their 2013 release spree in Isotean. The obvious isolate protein formula previously had it’s contents revealed and three flavors announced with milk chocolate,

strawberry creamsicle, and vanilla dream.

The reason the product has been brought back into relevance today is due to it’s official release. As we mentioned at the time of Isotean’s unveiling, iForce Nutrition are one of the more productive companies out there, in which they have proven so once again by getting their new protein powder ready to go in just over a month. While dates can no be confirmed for retailers, Isotean’s individual page is online now where it can be purchased direct, hinting that the supplement is either on it’s way or at least ready to ship to stockists.

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