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The stimulant based fat burner Nova Burn, introducing inHuman and their lone supplement

inHuman Nutrition's new fat burner Nova Burn

There are plenty of new supplements that come out every week, some are worth stopping and checking out, some are best left alone. The product we would like to bring to your attention today is a little weight loss number from inHuman Nutrition called Nova Burn. At the moment the relatively new brand only have the one supplement, however don’t let their lack of variety fool you as the lone formula is definitely one worth getting a sample of. To further gain your interest, inHuman are so confident in their list of contents that they have played the honesty card and given Nova Burn a transparently dosed facts panel. The stimulant driven fat burning complex features celebrated ingredients like raspberry ketones, rhodiola, and caffeine, as well as some impressive energizers in higenamine and dendrobium. You can check out the naked formula below and feel free to share your thoughts on our Facebook page.

inHuman Nutrition's Nova Burn facts panel
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