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Psycho gets higenamine and dendrobium, Scivation’s delay may have done some good

Scivation reformulated pre-workout supplement Psycho

It was only just last week that Scivation dropped an updated image of their new pre-workout supplement Psycho, revealing the reformulated product in a second flavor and an overall heavier tub size. At the time it was unknown as to whether or not Scivation had increased it’s scoop size or just added more servings to the tub. As it turns out the brand have in fact increased the weight of all the complexes we saw in Psycho’s original facts panel.

The features to blame for the added volume are glucuronolactone, inositol, and two big name ingredients that will certainly put the pre-workout further up the interest list, dendrobium and higenamine. While Scivation have done a lot more than replace their alpha yohimbine spot, by also dropping huperzine A, l-norvaline, and pine bark extract. Holding back their release may have done them a world of good. Seeing how well others have done in the market and what ingredients they used may have actually influenced the brand’s reformulation process. The two big additions, higenamine and dendrobium really do stand out as features Scivation might have seen in their competition and just had to have.

We will never really know what made Scivation throw in the two big pre-workout features all of sudden. Regardless, it’s performance will do the talking and we do look forward to eventually trying the now interesting looking supplement. Until it’s release feel free to drool or glance over Psycho’s new facts panel below.

Reformulated Scivation Psycho facts panel
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