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Cell K.E.M. revisited after tropical mango, Evogen increasing their range through flavors

Evogen releasing another new flavor for Cell K.E.M.

Hany Rambod, the mind behind the small yet successful Evogen supplement range, has been making a few updates to his line this year with a number of new flavors as opposed to new products. First up we saw the post-workout Cell K.E.M.

go from one to two with the introduction of tropical mango. Then the pre-workout EVP make the same move, with it’s welcoming of strawberry kiwi.

The brand have now decided to go back to KEM once more with another new flavor expected to land on August 20th. In celebration of the currently unnamed variant, Evogen have put up a contest for six lucky people to take home a tub of the new KEM and a tee. To be in to win simply take a guess at what the unknown taste is going to be, and if you’re one of the first six correct, one of the prizes is yours. To submit your entry visit one of Evogen’s social networks.

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