Going from Concentrate Series supplement to Concentrate Series supplement. Muscletech have moved on from their spree of flavor releases for Creacore, to the pre-workout product Neurocore and it’s menu. Unlike the creatine HCL supplement Neurocore already has a number of options on it’s list
with fruit punch, grape, and blue raspberry. Set to join those three is another fruity variant, watermelon. Unfortunately while the pre-workout is quite different from Creacore with it’s already wide variety of flavors. Muscletech have done the same thing with Neurocore’s watermelon as they did with Creacore’s sour apple. Instead of making it available to all stockists, the only place to get the new watermelon variant is from it’s exclusive retailer the Vitamin Shoppe, who are selling it for not an overly bad price of $34.99.