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Pump Igniter set to release pre Olympia, Top Secret Nutrition expected to make an impact

Top Secret Nutrition Pump Igniter ready for release

We have all seen the ingredients list of Top Secret Nutrition’s upcoming Pump Igniter. A well packed supplement that easily passes the standard of top quality pre-workouts. The only thing we are all waiting on now is the launch of the product. For those who have been following since the beginning, the title Pump Igniter has been thrown around since the middle of March about 5 months ago. While the hype hasn’t exactly been strong, with the unveiling of the supplement’s bottle, flavors, and another confirmed size of an 8 serving. Now is the time to get excited as we can guarantee you that the product is going to be here before the Olympia. To prove just how concrete that time frame is sample packs are going to be distributed, of which we will have available to readers of Stack3d hopefully before the supplement even gets released. Until then be sure to keep the product on the tip of your tongue as it is one coming from a brand we predicted to make a big impact on 2013.

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