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CREmTOR reformulated before it hits shelves, VPX Sports ready their new creatine complex

VPX Sports reformulate their creatine complex CREmTOR

Two months ago VPX Sports uploaded an image of their upcoming creatine formula CREmTOR. Despite not setting any sort of launch date, the brand revealed all the supplement’s details including, flavor, size, and even the facts panel. This week a new version of the unreleased product has appeared, featuring more than just some cosmetic changes to it’s packaging. Originally VPX unveiled CREmTOR with a 2.5g proprietary blend of creatine monohydrate, creatinol-o-phosphate, and covalently bonded creatine leucine peptide. The latest edition of the complex does include traces of that matrix, but with a few exchanges in the creatine department, as well as the addition of 1g of HICA, and 2.5g of BCAAs. More than doubling the supplement’s overall scoop size going from 2.5g to 6. Nothing has been said by VPX Sports as to why the modifications were made, however it doesn’t matter too much considering CREmTOR is still listed as coming soon. To see the original upload of the product check out our previous post, and for the new facts panel from the updated edition see below.

VPX Sports new creatine complex CREmTOR
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