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Con-Cret is back with a whole new look, more Promera Sports announcements this week

Promera Sports resurface with a rebranded Con-Cret

Of all that brands that have been quiet over the past few months, Con-Cret innovators Promera Sports have to be the one we’ve missed the most. The last time we saw them it was with their Women’s Elite creatine and the pre-workout additive Peak 400. Fortunately for them they have come out with a reason justifying their lengthy disappearance. When we say a reason, there is actually several things Promera have been working, of which all but one we will save for this coming week. The lone announcement we have for you today is the company’s complete rebranding. Based on the Con-Cret image that has been uploaded, it appears Promera Sports have held onto their distressed hazard pattern and yellow color palette, dropped their footer image, and extended the layout’s midsection down to the bottom. The update takes away a lot of the clutter, and creates a much more spacious label. The modified theme is expected to be carried across to all of the other products, with some of them getting one or two extra colors, and some yet to be seen. For now that is all we have, although be sure to stay tuned this week for a lot more news from Promera.

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