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Stack3d @ the 2013 Olympia Expo, AST Sports Science sample their new gourmet protein bar

Stack3d at the Olympia with AST Sports Science

AST Sports promised in a press release and earlier in the week, that this weekend at the Olympia they would have their new protein bar on display and available for testing. Which they have followed through on, along with a intention suggesting poster of the upcoming supplement. According to the brand and their teaser of the taste testing promotion. AST’s next protein product looks to be going after those interested in something a little more on the delicious side, with their banner reading ‘newest high-performance gourmet protein bar’. The keyword their being ‘gourmet’. Despite the image and tasting opportunity, we were unfortunately not able to confirm an official name for the supplement, or try enough of it to give a detailed description of it’s gourmet flavoring.

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