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Athlete Multi Tri-System facts panels revealed, MRI’s unique three piece multi-vitamin formula

MRI Performance Athlete Multi Tri-System formula revealed

At the 2013 Olympia Expo there was one supplement company that brought more to the show than anyone else. That brand was MRI Performance with their six piece product range, the Athlete Competitive Series. Making up the line’s list is Surge, Co-H20, Beta Charge, Recovery & Repair, Immune Fit, and the most interesting one of the bunch. As well as the one in the spotlight today, Athlete Multi Tri-System. Just as the supplement’s title describes, Multi Tri is a multi-vitamin formula. However it is unlike any other multi-vitamin we have ever seen. While it may not feature a list of contents one would called ranged, MRI have produced their product with a well dosed set features and a major point of difference in it’s usage. Instead of delivering a vitamin and mineral dose across a number of pills or pack, the brand have split up their supplement into three sections, hence the name Tri-System. Inside each box of Athlete Multi there are three bottles, Start, Sustain, and Finish, each delivering a different set of ingredients for a specific time of day. To further detail the unique new product, and it’s contents, we have below the facts panels for each of the formulas, and the brand’s description of their intended supplement windows.

Start – A.M. Ignition

MRI Performance Athlete Multi Tri-System Start facts panel

Sustain – Afternoon Precision

MRI Performance Athlete Multi Tri-System Sustain facts panel

Finish – P.M. Recovery

MRI Performance Athlete Multi Tri-System Recovery facts panel
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