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Bullet Proof drama and Carnitine Core switch, Muscle Pharm move some things around online

Muscle Pharm update their website with two important details

With what seems to have come with the launch of the Arnold Schwarzenegger supplement series. Muscle Pharm have made a number of changes to their website, that for now don’t confirm anything but in our opinion could suggest some things. The first minor change is that the brand have swapped out their previous Carnitine Core image, with that of the capsule picture we spotted online back in August. Again this doesn’t say anything, as Muscle Pharm are still listing the product as a citrus flavored liquid, however it is a noticeable change. Lastly is something we hope does not reflect reality, and that is the removal of Bullet Proof. If you head on over to the site you will notice that the brand no longer have Bullet on their supplements page. As mentioned this does not mean anything just yet, as Muscle Pharm have not commented on either online update. But with the arrival of the Arnold line and it’s similar sleep aid Iron Dream, you have to wonder if our number one rated recovery product Bullet Proof, is about to be replaced.

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