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Our first ever Protein Wars starts this Monday, eight weeks of voting to find the people’s champ

Stack3d 2013 Protein Wars starts this Monday

We mentioned the Protein Wars competition back before the Olympia, which we have now managed to organize and put together a line of supplements to give it the go ahead. For those that missed it the first time around, the Protein Wars is a contest where we will run what is now confirmed as eight weeks of voting. Each week we will be putting a number of protein powders in one on one battles, with the product least voted for being knocked out. Winners will proceed to the next round and with 32 protein formulas in the race, what ever supplement comes out on top has four fights to get through. You can see what products are in the running to take our first Protein Wars title on our Facebook page, with heat 1 of the competition kicking off this Monday. Whether it’s your favorite formula going up against your most hated, or two supplements you don’t really care about. Over the next two months you will have the opportunity to help crown our people’s champion.

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