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Rage XL facts panel revealed with release, Animal Pak launch their updated pre-workout

Animal Pak launch their pre-workout sequel Animal Rage XL

Over the past month Universal Nutrition’s Animal Pak have been teasing the highly anticipated sequel to their pre-workout supplement Animal Rage, with Animal Rage XL. After beta testing opportunities, giveaways, and flavor reveals that have confirmed three options, grape of wrath, mango unchained, and lemon slayed. The product has now finally arrived with Animal listing the formula on their website, as well as uploading a FAQs section answering some questions fans may have surrounding the supplement. In regards to availability no major retailer seems to be stocking Rage XL just yet. However some smaller places are, with the likes of DPS Nutrition listing all three flavors at $24.95 a bottle. The launch has also brought with it the official formula of the pre-workout. Which as promised Animal Pak have made very few changes to, with two removals, evodiamine and vinpocetine, a significant change to the B12 dose, and the addition of three new features, GlycoCarn, CreaPure, and bacopa monnieri. You can check out the modifications for yourself in the facts panel below, and expect to see Rage XL in a stockist near you sometime soon, if not already.

Animal Pak Animal Rage XL facts panel
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