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Upcoming Black Ops formula detailed, Grenade reveal the contents behind their next release

Grenade release the facts panel behind their new Grenade Black Ops

Last week Grenade revealed their sequel to the incredibly successful and our number one rated fat burner Thermo Detonator, with Grenade Black Ops. The supplement was originally talked about at the Olympia Expo back in September. Detailed as a weight loss solution designed to deliver results and an experience a little different to that of the brand’s current fat burning product. As it was explained previously Black Ops is a supplement best suited for those looking for a much shorter and more explosive experience, which Grenade even put an ideal workout time frame to, at 60 minutes or less. Of course most of this has already been mentioned with the point of today’s post bringing forward the facts panel of the energetic product. To keep things consistent like Thermo Detonator, Black Ops has been transparently dosed with a total of 12 different ingredients, featuring highlights such as caffeine, cayenne, and green tea. The full list of contents can be seen below, with the supplement set to hit UK stockists in about two weeks and US stockists sometime next year.

Grenade Black Ops facts panel
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