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Rocket Science takes off for stores, facts panel of Magnum Nutraceutical’s latest formula

Magnum Nutraceuticals Rocket Science formula revealed and available

It’s been a long time coming, but after the announcement from earlier in the week. All the information for Magnum Nutraceuticals latest supplement is available. We have seen it’s box, it’s 60 capsule count, and even it’s main proprietary blend weight of 705mg. Today we finally have it’s official facts panel showing fans and those interested in the energy and mind stimulator, just what they’re in for. Making up the well hyped Rocket is a total of nine different ingredients, with highlights such as the trending dendrobium, vinpocetine, and the classic inclusion caffeine. As for the rest of the product’s contents you can check it all out in the image we have uploaded below. Alternatively if you’re just looking to purchase the supplement, as mentioned above and on Wednesday, Magnum have shipped out Rocket Science to retailers. Although if you have not been able to find a box, the brand are selling it direct for $32.99.

Magnum Nutraceuticals Rocket Science facts panel
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