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Pre-ordering opens for upcoming EVP Plus, Evogen giving early birds 20% off pre sequel

Evogen launch pre-ordering for their pre-workout EVP Plus

While it has only been a few days since Evogen updated us all on their new pre-workout supplement EVP Plus. The brand have now followed up on it’s official release date of Christmas day, with the announcement of a pre-ordering opportunity. Unfortunately the product’s page on Evogen’s store has not resulted in the reveal of it’s facts panel. But has answered the question of how many flavors EVP Plus will feature, with just the one peach mango. If you would like to take advantage of the supplement’s securing option, the price is $64.95 with the brand’s usual shipping costs available. For those that think the price is a little high, Evogen have put together their own launch special with a 20% off voucher. The coupon code is “EVPPLUSNOW“, which also works on the six tub EVP Plus case dropping the cost even further from 52 to $44.

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