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Pre-workout Evol gets reformulated and a second flavor, Genomyx updates underway after Lecheek acquisition

Genomyx confirm two updates for their pre-workout Evol

Over the weekend Lecheek Nutrition made a big announcement regarding their acquiring of the now well established supplement company Genomyx. The news not only affected the team behind the brand and it’s products, but also our decision to release a review for the pre-workout Evol. While the change of ownership doesn’t necessarily alter our opinion, it is set to alter the formula of the supplement. Forcing us to wait until the new version of Evol is available, before publishing a review. On a brighter note, Genomyx have confirmed two updates for the product that will be rolling out very soon. The first one is a second flavor for the pre-workout, which currently stands at just one with fruit punch. With the second piece of news being one of the things that will be changed in Evol, and that is an increase to it’s dose of AMP (4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate). Unfortunately there has been no date confirmed for the arrival of the second Evol taste or when the reformulated edition will make it’s way out. However after seeing these two developments surface only a days after Lecheek’s acquisition. It does make it seem like Genomyx and it’s Fanatyx are in store for a lot of updates over the coming months.

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