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New weight plate necklace put on hold for flaw, Monsta Clothing introduce their Hashtag tees

Monsta Clothing introduce their new Hashtag tee series

What is now looking to be more of a weekly thing, Monsta Clothing have followed up on last week’s release of two new tees and a pair of sweatpants, with six more products. All but one of the items are shirts, which all basically belong to the same Hashtag clothing series. The collection’s title ‘Hashtag’ comes from the fact that each of the five new Monsta tops feature a #Keyword as their centerpiece. The five white and red printed words used on the black tees are #Beast, #BigMuscle, #CockDiesel, #Monsta, and #MonstaMode. As for the other new product, it sees Monsta step away from clothing, and give necklaces a go. The sixth item from the company is a weight plate necklace, that due to a small flaw the brand spotted in the product, has had it’s launch delayed until it comes back from the manufacturer. We can however confirm the look of the accessory which as it’s name states, is in the shape of a weight plate with the words Monsta Mode on the front, and Unleash the Beast on the back. While the release of the necklace may be some time, the five shirts are all in stock now on Monsta’s official website for $18.99 each, available in six sizes, small to 3XL.

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