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Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5S cases previewed, Gear Nutraceuticals still without supplements

Gear Nutraceuticals confirm phone case release but no update on supplements

Gear Nutraceuticals, the company that can be seen in so many places but not in any of the places we would like to see them. Have come out with a preview of some branded phone cases for Samsung’s Galaxy S4 and Apple’s iPhone 5/5S. For those that like Gear and all that they do, this is probably exciting news. For us however we can’t help but still wonder where are the supplements. It was way back in August that we were first introduced to the brand, making it roughly five months without any update on any of the products. Liz Gaspari did previously tweet us a time frame of ‘coming soon’, however we feel that time has been and gone. While Gear continue to come out with more and more sponsored athletes, and are confirmed to be attending the upcoming Arnold Classic at the end of next month. The big question still weighs on our man when will the brand be releasing their promised formulas, Pre Shock, Maxx Shock, and E-Shock.

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