Magnum Nutraceuticals have put together one of their biggest competitions to date, with a prize that is most definitely going to draw a lot of entries. Of course with a big prize comes a big task to get yourself entered. Basically what Magnum are after is a 30 to 90 second video of you showing off your psycho. Whether it be you flexing, flipping, flying, or whatever, it just has to be interesting. Following the close of the submission period on February 24th, all of the interesting clips will then be uploaded to the brand’s YouTube channel. From there Magnum will give the clips one month to get as many views as they can. Once the month is up, the three most watched videos will score their producers $1500 in supplements. There are some additional rules which you will find on Magnum’s Facebook page. But the main idea is to tape yourself acting psycho for a maximum of a minute and a half. Not much of an ask for what you could get in return.