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Isolate protein ISO+ gets it’s eighth flavor, 4+ Nutrition combine white chocolate and coconut

4+ Nutrition add white chocolate & coconut to their ISO+ menu

Just when we thought 4+ Nutrition had done their dash for the month, revealing a new flavor for Hydro+, unveiling XXXL+’s facts panel, and previewing the energy shot Liquid NO+. All in the past two weeks. The Italian based company have gone and confirmed another release.

This time we see 4+ continue on their endless flavoring quest, turning their attention to the isolate protein powder ISO+. The beautifully presented brand have decided to add to the supplement’s already packed menu of cookies & praline, chocolate, hazelnut, strawberry & banana, vanilla, white chocolate & strawberry, and neutral. With a very fitting white chocolate & coconut. 4+ Nutrition have yet to set an exact launch date for the fourth combination taste, but are using the words ‘coming soon’, suggesting a one to two month wait.

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