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Flavor review of Ritual’s two new additions, ANS deliver with their 30 serving tastes

Review of ANS Performance new Ritual flavors peach mango and watermelon

Following on from our review of the flavored fat burner from ANS Performance, Diablo. We figured it would be more than fitting to do a review of the brand’s new flavors for their science based and #1 pre-workout formula Ritual. Wicked watermelon and peach mango twist were officially released earlier in the year in the supplement’s new 30 serving size, pushing Ritual’s menu up to a total of four. While in our original review we did say the product passed with flying colors, we also said that taste didn’t affect our overall opinion. Which in the case of Ritual’s icy blue freeze and candy green apple was a good thing, as we felt they weren’t the best in the business, and as with most pre-workout flavors could be better. So here today looking to make it 10 for 10 in all areas, is our taste review of the two variants ANS promised to be better than the first two.

Starting off with wicked watermelon, ANS Performance have managed to deliver an extremely recognizable watermelon taste. We don’t feel the wicked prefix is the best word to describe the flavor, it is more of a welcoming watermelon. There is no bitter first step, no sour aftertaste, and no lingering stench after the supplement is taken. To cover both ends of the scale we tried wicked watermelon with various amounts of water, going from a concentrated shot to a slightly diluted one. The above description believe it or not does cover both situations, with the thick shot giving a slightly more intense first step. But still resulting in the same calm, smooth, cocktail like watermelon flavor.

Moving on to the second new Ritual option, peach mango twist. We had to put this one last out of the two as we feel it is the better one. While we didn’t think badly of wicked watermelon, we do think a lot of peach mango. Peach alone is a taste rarely seen in mainstream products, with mango becoming more and more popular settling in right behind common flavors like fruit punch, blue raspberry, and cherry limeade. That being said, almost nobody combines the two tastes, and with ANS’s recipe being the first example of the fruity collaboration. We can’t quite understand why two haven’t ever been put together before. To detail the experience we have to split the flavor in to two stories. The first chapter for us is a welcoming peach dominant hit. There is no memorable smell hinting at what to expect, it’s the peach show from the first drop to the first swallow. The second chapter is where the mango infusion comes into play which doesn’t manage to take over the peach presence, just add to it. The two eventually combine creating what can only be described by the taste’s title, a peach and mango twist. Like with watermelon we did sample peach mango as a shot and slightly diluted, finding no real change except for the mango coming in a bit stronger adding a bit more of a tang.

It comes as no surprise that the two new additions to Ritual’s menu are top notch. Back when we first did the review of the supplement. ANS Performance did in fact tell us that they had more options coming, that they hoped would be a little more satisfying for us. We can now confirm that they are indeed more satisfying, both flavored so well they remind us of aminos rather than pre-workouts. If Ritual were in a tie for first with another formula, we would be moving them into the #1 spot right now. However since the product is currently comfortably ahead of the rest of the field, it’s lead can only be extended. With ANS further proving why their supplement is at the top, and that they are a brand that listen to their fans and aim to offer the best in all areas.

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