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IsoBurn facts panel and flavors confirmed, win BSN’s weight loss protein before it’s released

Official facts panel for BSN's upcoming protein powder IsoBurn

It’s no secret that BSN are preparing to launch their new weight loss protein powder IsoBurn. They confirmed it’s coming release back when we first got wind of the reformulated Hyper FX. While there is still no exact date or even a rough estimate of when the fat burner formula will arrive. The veteran supplement company have passed on the facts panel for IsoBurn. Believe it or not, this isn’t because the product is set to launch next week, next month, or whenever. But because as promised we have for you this coming Monday a 5 day giveaway of the protein powder. We are going to be running the competition as we do all the 5 day giveaways. Taking in entries from Monday through to Friday, and announcing a randomly selected winner each day from Tuesday to Saturday. As for the coming of the official facts panel, it doesn’t reveal anything more in the proprietary department outside of what we already saw at the Olympia last year. However it does confirm all the important nutrient details for the supplement. Until next week, where you will have a chance to win IsoBurn before it is even showcased at the Arnold Classic. We leave you with the product’s predictable three piece menu of chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, as well as it’s facts panel below.

BSN IsoBurn facts panel
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