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Seemingly stimulant free Killa Ketones, white Grenade designed for women and weight loss

Grenade confirm the coming of another fat burner Killa Ketones

Following the launch of Grenade’s first entry back into the world of weight loss since Thermo Detonator, with Black Ops. Comes another new product set to hit the fat burning category. The key difference with this formula was actually hinted at back when Black Ops was first detailed, as it was described as a supplement aimed at male users and more of an intense experience. While it wasn’t exactly the biggest clue, it does make sense as Grenade’s latest product Killa Ketones, has been designed specifically for women. And based on the contents released for the supplement, appears to be some what of a stimulant free solution. According to the brand they have packed their new Killa Ketones with serious doses of it’s title ingredient raspberry ketones, as well as l-carnitine, CLA, acai, african mango, and more. The key inclusion on that list is of course ‘and more’, as that on top of what little description Grenade have posted. Suggests that caffeine, yohimbe, and other stimulants the brand are familiar with, may in fact be apart of the weight loss product. Something that would rule out it’s possible stimulantless stackability with Black Ops or Thermo Detonator, leaving it as just a toned down fat burner. More information on Killa Ketones should be on it’s way, with for now ‘coming soon’ listed as the supplement’s launch window.

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