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Magnum Nutraceuticals update their website, loud backgrounds dropped for smooth layout

Magnum Nutraceuticals updated their official website

It has been a while since we heard anything from Magnum Nutraceuticals, however they are back here once again with a brand new look. By brand new look we do of course mean their online one, as they have completely remodeled their website. Gone are the heavy background themes and unlimited color palette. With Magnum’s online home now represented by a more formal layout, with slightly caged graphics and evenly spaced imagery. As far as the supplements go, the online update does not appear to have brought anything new with it, or alter the look of any of the current products. Overall the upgraded design does make visiting Magnum’s website a much less intense experience, and for those who have been to it before, a lot easier to navigate. If you would like to see the brand’s work first hand, head on over to

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