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Game Day set to hit five flavors in two weeks, MAN’s upcoming exclusive for Natural Body Inc

MAN Sports set to launch an exclusive Game Day flavor

MAN Sports have announced that there is another flavor coming to their popular pre-workout supplement Game Day. The product that is ranked 4th in our top 5 list of energizing formulas, is currently available in a total of four tastes, candy grape, classic fruit punch, blue bomb-sicle, and the most recent addition, tigers blood. Joining the menu, taking Game Day to a total of five is a flavor yet to be revealed. However we do have some clues confirming that it is a fruit variant, as well as one some may have experienced in another supplement or two. For those eager to get a hold of MAN’s fifth pre-workout taste as soon as it lands, the place to keep an eye on is Natural Body Inc. Not only will it be where Game Day’s latest flavor arrives first, but it is in fact the only place the flavor will arrive. As along with the few clues, MAN Sports have also confirmed that the option is an exclusive for the popular retailer. While there is no exact launch date just yet, the brand have said the taste is expected to be released in about two weeks, where the official name of the flavor will be revealed.

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